The Knicks All-Star will give $500 for every made 3-pointer to Earl Monroe New Renaissance Basketball School in the Bronx as part of the #30FOR3 campaign.
New York Knicks All-Star Julius Randle pledged to donate $500 for every one of his made 3-pointers to the Earl Monroe New Renaissance Basketball School, he announced at an event at the Bronx high school on Tuesday.
The #30 FOR 3! campaign will see the funds raised go to the high school’s literacy and math intervention programs.
“I love and admire Earl as a Hall of Fame basketball player, but also as someone who gives back to the City of New York,” Randle said. “When I heard about his efforts with the school, I wanted to find a way to support him and these students. As a father, I am highly aware of the value of education and of learning teamwork and skills through sport.”
The charter school opened its doors at the end of August with 110 ninth graders majoring in a different facet of basketball off the court in addition to the New York State’s core curriculum.
“Thanks to Julius’s gift and leadership, the school will now have the resources to have five full-time specific literacy interventionists and at least 30 math tutors,” said Monroe, a Hall of Famer who won the 1973 NBA title as a member of the Knicks. “He is a remarkable young man and a brother Knick. We’re hoping friends and supporters, young and old, will do their part and match #30 FOR 3! as they can. If we don’t do everything possible to improve the literacy skills of our youth, the cycle of poverty and disappointment will never end.”
Randle was an All-NBA player in 2020-21, making 171 triples during the regular and postseason — which would have translated to a donation of $85,500. But thanks to other investment banks like Morgan Stanley’s Global Sports & Entertainment, financial institutions like Atlantic Records, board members, and several individuals, matching pledged will see an additional $2,200 donated to the school for each made Randle 3 on top of the talented forward’s $500.
That means if Randle manages to make 186 3-pointers this season, more than $500,000 would go towards literacy and math skills at the charter school.
As if Knicks fans now have even more of a reason to cheer on their beloved star. Move over, #BingBong. It’s #30 FOR 3! time.